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What is omnichannel?

We used to go to a store together. Nowadays we order more and more products online. But how do I, as a sales organization, ensure that I provide my customer with the best possible service? Your potential customer asks for omnichannel. But what is that actually?

The time of whether we go to the store or order online is already a thing of the past. Your potential customer should help you on their way to sales. Through various channels (channels) you try to seduce the customer and let them come into contact with your brand or product.

To seduce your new customer, you will have to be present at the place where the potential customer moves. There are many ways to approach someone. You can opt for a mailing or a webshop. But you also see that nowadays the webshops start a physical store. Just read Wherever your customer is, you are too. Collecting where your customer goes gives you insights that are of great value.

Whichever channel the customer comes into contact with your brand or product, it is important to analyze and coordinate the information about this customer. The customer experience must be the same through every channel so that the image is clear, consistent and not disruptive.

This demands a lot from a company. Departments need to coordinate information, and IT naturally comes into play here. It is therefore wise to store all data in one central system. Only in this way it is possible to get a good alignment.

The question we regularly get is: Can Odoo help us with this? You already expected the answer, but of course, it is a resounding Yes! Odoo has all the standard functionalities to optimally serve your sales channels. And everything is stored in one system. What can Odoo do that the other packages can't do, I hear you think. For example, Odoo combines these functionalities in one system:

  • CRM
  • Sales
  • Website
  • Webshop
  • Logistics
  • Mass mailings
  • Live Chat
  • POS system
  • Email Link trackers

This functionality comes 'out of the box', is in 1 package, and can be used immediately by everyone within your company. Whether you are a seller, account manager, marketer or physically in a store. Odoo provides you with the software to provide your (potential) customer with the best possible service.

Happy Customers!, that's what it's all about in this fast-paced world. Don't miss the boat and explore your market and your customers and make sure you can serve them the way they want.

If you are eager to know more about Odoo Omnichannel, don't hesitate to get in touch contact us

What is omnichannel?
Erwin van der Ploeg April 17, 2016
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